What Is Thai Yoga Massage? A gift from Thailand, this modernized form of Nuad Boran or ancient massage, is a powerful combination of acupressure, assisted yoga postures and Ayurvedic principles. Thai Massage is part of an ancient healing system based on the idea of invisible, but defined, pathways throughout the body. These pathways support aRead More
YOGA and children
Adults don’t often realize how stressful children’s lives are. Not only do they have the pressures of school, sports, church and social events they also are working around their parents’ busy work and social schedules. All of this hustle and bustle has an effect on their psyche and it’s not always a positive or joyfulRead More
Children and Massage
Were you aware that Massage Therapy is beneficial for both adults AND children? It has been proven that our first sense to develop is our sense of touch. Infants also respond well to massage especially if they need to be calmed down or to help them fall asleep. In fact, Tiffany Field of the TouchRead More
Keep Moving Forward
Families and individuals face multiple challenges daily from physical to financial. My family is no exception! When I ask my husband “What are we going to do?” Without hesitation his immediate response is always “Just keep moving forward.” It seems like such a superficial response doesn’t it? Actually, it is very sound advice. When youRead More
Comfort Oriented Massage for People Living with Cancer
Massaging cancer patients and those who are medically frail is not a new concept. For decades, it was done in hospitals by nurses. As medicine increased in sophistication so did the responsibility of the nursing profession. Eventually, massage was simply left behind. However, that has slowly been changing over the last twenty years or so.Read More