QÜELL® Fish Oil - EPA/DHA Plus D
Why is QÜELL® fish oil important for the body?
Fish oil is one of the best sources for omega 3 essential fatty acids. What makes QÜELL®l Fish oil different from other fish oils is how the oil is extracted, the resulting purity, its bioavailability, and the unique levels of omega 3 combined with vitamin D.
QÜELL® Fish Oil is extracted via the CO2 extraction method. In this method, the product is placed in a pressurized container with carbon dioxide (CO2). The pressure liquifies the CO2 which releases the oil. When extraction is complete the container is depressurized. The CO2 returns to is natural gas state and a purer fish oil is left behind.
QÜELL®’s unique extraction method allows for up to 75% active pure omega 3 fatty acids. Other extraction methods usually extract about 30% active omega 3 (about 18% EPA fatty acid molecule and 12% DHA fatty acid molecule). This means more impurities left behind in greater concentrations (up 70%).
EPA/DHA levels:
Because the CO2 extraction creates a product that is about 75% active, levels of EPA and DHA are inherently higher
Typically, fish oils are emulsified with ethyl esters to create bioavailability in the body. But recent scientific data has revealed that emulsification with triglycerides allows the body to better absorb the nutrient making it more effective as a supplement.
Additional nutrition:
Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin so combining it with a fatty acid make sense. Since many are deficient in vitamin D3, combining it with an extremely pure and bio-available form of fatty acid molecule makes gaining D3’s many benefits reliable and convenient.
What is an essential fatty acid (EFA)?
Essential fatty acids are unsaturated fat molecules that our body needs but cannot produce on its own. The most common EFA’s are Omega 3 and Omega 6. Omega 3 molecules have the first carbon to carbon double bond (C=C) at the third carbon and omega 6 molecules have it at the 6th carbon. Hence, they are called omega 3 and omega 6, respectively.
The function of each molecule is determined by
1. Placement of the first double bond
2. Number and types of double bonds
3. Length of the carbon atom chain
Omega 3 fatty acids consist three different unsaturated fat molecules:
1. ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) - found in plant and nut oils
2. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) - found in fish and the livers of Atlantic Cod fish
3. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) - found in fish and extracted from the fermentation of marine algae.
Omega 3’s help reduce the incidence of inflammation, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and the presence of LDL or “bad” cholesterol.
Omega 6 fatty acids consist of two different unsaturated fat molecules:
1. LA (Linoleic acid) – found in plant and nut oils
2. AA (Arachidonic acid) – found in peanut oil, meats, eggs, and other dairy products
We need omega 6 fatty acids to have healthy clotting and inflammation responses.(1)
Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids
• Reduces risk of heart disease
• Improves circulation
• Decreases inflammation
• Strengthens blood vessels
• Promotes healthy blood clotting
Do I need both Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFA’s
Yes, both types of essential fatty acids are key components to a healthy body. While both omega 3 and omega 6 are important sources of nutrients for the body, most of us in the United States consume about ten times more foods rich in omega 6 fatty acids than omega 3 fatty acids. This presents a balance issue.
Yet some scientists argue excessive amounts of omega 6 leads to the conversion of linoleic acid (LA) into arachidonic acid (AA) which contributes to unhealthy blood clotting (thrombosis), inflammation, and decreased elasticity in blood vessels.
The American Heart Association disagrees. They site many studies that show a correlation between an increase in omega 6’s and a decrease in the heart disease rate. In a science advisory involving the American Heart Association and 9 independent researches from around the globe, several studies were sited indicating the benefits of omega 6 in reducing heart disease and inflammation. Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, a coauthor of the advisory, states that omega 6’s are safe and beneficial to the heart and circulation. (2)
The omega 3 ALA molecule (18 carbons) increases the elasticity of blood vessels and prevents the buildup of fat deposits in the arteries. Omega 3 EPA (20 carbons) and omega 3 DHA (22 carbons) reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, effect brain and eye function, and may help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. (3)
Striking a balance
Because most Americans are deficient in omega 3, which can cause hearts disease and painful inflammation, eating more foods rich in omega 3’s is recommended. Fortunately, it’s not that hard. Increasing one’s intake of omega 3 fatty acids can be done by consuming more oily fish (salmon, maceral, sardines) or supplementing with a good source of fish oil.
The following links may be helpful:
Food Lists
- Omega 3 ALA Molecule
- Omega 3 EPA Molecule
- Omega 3 DHA Molecule
Other links
QÜELL® Fish Oil Selection Guide
QÜELL® Fish Oil EPA,DHA Plus D - Super Crtitcal CO2 Extraction, Information Sheet
Omega 3 supplements for children - Information by Mayo Clinic