Hot Stone Massage

Massage utilizing Hot Stone is intensely relaxing and energizing. It is especially comforting to those suffering from high levels of stress, anxiety, and grief.

Where does Hot Stone Massage come from?

Almost every ancient culture from China and Japan to the Kahuna healers of Hawaii to our our Native American tribes have used heated stones in various ways to heal the body. Most recent has been the re-introduction of Hot Stone therapy to Western cultures by Mary Nelson. Mary Nelson Founded LaStone Therapy in 1993 and the use of stone to relieve pain and anxiety once again swept across the globe.

What can I expect from a Hot Stone Massage?

At New Life, black river rock stones are heated to a comfortable 110′ F. The client is then draped and warm stones placed strategically on the body. Hot Stones placed on the primary energy points of the body serve to clear the body’s energy meridians (energy pathways) allowing for a more complete flow of chi to all cells of the body. Then, as an extension of her own hands, the therapist uses the stones to massage the neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, hands, and feet. The warmth of the black rock infuses interstitial fluid surrounding the connective tissue with heat and aids in releasing tight, sore muscles, ligaments and tendons. This allows for a gentle and sometime deep manipulation of tissue.

What are the benefits of Hot Stone Massage?

Those who have had Hot Stone Massage report:

Better CirculationDecreased Pain
Deepened sense of peace and well beingMore free movements of muscles and joints
More energyImproved sleep patterns

It has been our experience at New Life , that barring stone placement and any other source of consistent heat, clients suffering from Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis have found massage with Hot Stone reduces tender points and decreases rigidity of tight muscles.