Jim Kargakos, M.A., CLC, CYPFC
Olympus Life Coaching & Consulting
(216) 924-7667
A Little About Me
I recall having been fascinated by this thing called ‘life’, and the predicament of being human, ever since I was a teenager. I was naturally intrigued by both philosophy and psychology, but eventually chose to study the latter.
I earned my Bachelor of Arts on 1984 from Youngstown State University, and after 5 years of meddling in the business world and soul-searching, I attended graduate school at the University of Akron. In 1992 I earned my M.A. in Psychology. Presently, you can catch me in class at Lakeland Community College and Baldwin -Wallace University.
Why Do I teach?
I never really knew that I wanted to teach… It was pure serendipity, that I found myself in front of a classroom as a grad student. Twenty five years later, I acknowledge how fortunate I was to walk into a line of work that was and is perfect for me. In 25+ years as a college professor, I have taught a wide variety of Psychology courses, including Adult Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, and, my ‘all-time favorite course’, the Psychology of Happiness (which I personally developed and continue to teach).
Why am I a Life Coach?
Being both a student and professor of ‘human happiness’, has given me a unique insight about what people truly seek, and how they can live happier lives. In 2013, after receiving certification in Life Coaching, I decided to take my insights and knowledge beyond the classroom.
The past three years have been ‘magical’ as I am truly living my passion. As a Psychology Professor and Life Coach by profession, and a philosopher at heart, I continue to learn, to teach, and to grow as a person, while helping to inspire others to live their ‘happiest’ life possible.
Come, join me for Life Coaching sessions and let me show you how to live a happier, more productive and fulfilling life. Or, take of of my seminars taught in various places throughout the community.
My Philosophy
Even before I ever became a Life Coach, years of study and life experiences led me to realize that the burning question every person everywhere essentially seeks to, and must answer, is
“How shall I live my life?”
In expanded form, this question looks more like a series of fundamental questions, each building upon the other:
- Who am I really?
- What has meaning to and for me, and how do I live this meaning?
- What are my possibilities and potentials, and how can I realize them?
- How can I find the strength to live fully, authentically, and uncompromisingly? ”
While people who typically approach me seek my assistance with seemingly ‘conventional’ issues, such as “how do I get from point A to point B?”, “I seem to lack motivation”, or “I feel stagnant and need a change”, I have found that most often these ‘surface matters’ disguise the desire to fulfill the inner needs, and / or address the deeper questions posed above.
I am an empathetic and objective listener, a supportive and non-judgmental ‘friend’, and a knowledgeable and adept adviser. As a Life Coach, I have made this my aim and purpose:
- To put my clients in touch with their own souls
- To help them expand their boundaries
- To help them recognize capacities and needs that may have been inconspicuous or lying dormant
- To liberate them from the barriers to their personal growth and happiness, whether self- or other-created.
This is my goal with each and every one of my clients because…
I solemnly believe, that as people realize what it is they truly seek from their lives, and begin to experience the freedom to pursue it, and to live as themselves, what inevitably will ensue for them is a life of happiness and true fulfillment.
~ Jim
“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu
Olympus Mission Statement
“To enable individuals of all ages discover their authentic selves and their passion for life, make wise choices, and live a happier and more fulfilling existence.”