The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines spirituality as a sensitivity or attachment to religious values. A massage session often feels like a scared time because it is the time we set aside for just ourselves. It is an investment we make in our physical emotional and spiritual health. Massage guides us to that essential connection between mind, body and spirit (or the higher self) where we can begin to deal with conflicts, discover hidden truths, and strengthen or modify convictions all based on our belief system.
We all have our own life philosophies and religious beliefs that may find appropriate places for discussion and debate. However, a massage therapist should never choose their massage room as that place. A client may choose to use his/her time to verbalize their beliefs as they experience their mind, body, spirit connection. A therapist’s roll is to encourage through non-confrontational conversation (if invited) or by simply lending a compassionate ear to hear.
Not every massage place you encounter will be the right place for you. Not every massage therapist you experience will be the one for you. These are things that must be carefully explored. You will find yourself asking a few questions like:
1. Do I feel safe in this space?
2. Do I feel a connection with this therapist?
3. Am I confident I will be listened to by this therapist?
4. Does this therapist care about me as a person?
5. Is the space comfortable?
6. Is this the kind of environment I need to grow my connection between mind, body, spirit?
Perhaps you never thought of massage as spiritual. That is ok. People come to massage for different reasons. Some for pain relief of specific aches and pains, but most come to relax, melt away the stress of daily living, and find an hour of peace far from the world.
Melissa Jarufe, LMT
October, 2011