Lavender Essential Oil


Botanical Name: Lavender angustifolia
Scent Profile: Calming, fresh, floral
Certified Organic: USDA (NOP) and Ecocert
Size: 10 ml

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits: Relieves stress, Great for children and infants, Aids in relief of headaches, migraines, depression, hypertension, insomnia, and abdominal cramps, Promotes skin healing from cuts, scrapes, and burns (after cooling phase), Prevents body odor Learn More



Weight 0.32 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 4 × 4 in


Lavender (Angustifolia)
Composition: 100% Pure Organic
Ecocert accredited by the USDA(NOP Program)
USDA(National Organic Program)
Country of Origin: France
Extraction Method: Water-steam distillation from fresh blooming lavender flowers
Viscosity: Thin
Color: Clear to yellow. Color can vary from lot to lot
Target Body Systems: Circulatory, Nervous, Skin, Urinary, and Endocrine

UseHow To
Diffuse 10 to 15 drops 15 minutes every two hours during the day, 6 to 8 drops in water of candle warmer, 10 to 15 drops in potpourri ( keep out of reach of children)
Inhale from bottle or lid 2 to 3 times a day, Place 2 drops on a cotton ball and inhale, Rub 1 to 2 drops on hand, hold near near face (avoid touching face), and inhale.
Add 40 to 50 drops to a half cup of water. Shake vigorously before each use and apply lightly to areas of concern. Avoid getting it in the eyes.
Place 6 to 8 drops in one ounce (2 TBS) of massage cream or oil. Apply to areas of concern.
Add 6 to 8 drops to a half cup of Epsom salt in a glass jar. Shake vigorously and let sit for a few minutes. Get into a tub of warm water and sprinkle in the oil infused salt mixing as you go. Enjoy!
Benefits:Relieves stress, Great for children and infants, Aids in relief of headaches, migraines, depression, hypertension, insomnia, and abdominal cramps, Promotes skin healing from cuts, scrapes, and burns (after cooling phase), Prevents body odor.
Emotional Support:Nurture, Direct, Comfort, Protected, Uniqueness

Blends well with Black Pepper, Lemon, Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Bergamot, Palmarosa, Red Mandarin, Green Mandarin, Rose and, Rose Geranium.

Technical Information

Lavender: 100% Pure Organic
Product Code: L101
Lot No.: OF30320

Main Chemical Family:
Properties: Anti-infectious, immune stimulant, emotional balancer, healing to the skin
*Comes in a variety of aromas. Refer to individual oil profile for more detailed information

Properties: Anti-infectious, anti-spasmodic (particularly for digestive cramps), Sedative for the nervous system, Healing to the skin. Stress Relieving
*Comes in a variety of aromas. Refer to individual oil profile for more detailed information.

Botanical Family: Lamiaceae
Revitalizing to body and mind. Eases headaches and nasal congestion.

Note (evaporation rate): Middle

Primary Constituents:
Linalool 34.39%
Linalyl Acetate 34.25%
Beta-Caryophyllene 3.74%
Cis-beta-Ocimene 2.88%
Trans-beta-Ocimene 2.63%
Lavandula Acetate 2.28%

* Full certificate of analysis(COA) available upon request.

Safety Notes:
Gentle with a low potential for irritation.

Maximum Adult Dilution: 100%; Lavender can be used neat.
Recommended Dilution: 1-7%; 6-42 drops per ounce.

Shelf Life: 5 years in proper conditions before quality declines.

Storage: Store with cap firmly closed, standing upright, out of direct heat and sunlight.

Notes: Non-GMO, No pesticides, No insecticides, No additives, Gluten-free, Vegan, Cruelty-free, No carrier oil added.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to treat, cure, prevent, diagnose any disease or condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner.
SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to the skin, always perform a small test patch by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of the elbow. Use vegetable oil or milk to remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool dark place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.

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